30 June 2010

Midwestward Ho!

As I mentioned in yesterdays post, I just got back from my trip to southwest Missouri, where my dad grew up.  My grandfather and several (and that is an understatement) family members still live.

The highlight of the trip was our 48th Annual Cuendet family reunion which celebrates the lineage of my great-great grandfather.  Our family is of Swiss decent and has a strong sense of heritage.  We're passionate, fussy and traditional people. 

I also got to spend a good amount of time with my extended family that is spread across Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma. 

I would much rather you see, than read my rambings.

We watched a lot of Cardinals games...

We spent time catching up with old family....

...and meeting new family.

We did a lot of "back building" sittin'...

Flagging down the ice cream truck for Firecracker pops...

Were inspired by the World Cup....

...and did a lot of World Cup supportin'.

We were all amazed at Papa's tomato plants.

Took a lot of pictures...

Visited childhood favorites....

...and stood in the same creeks we played in as kids.

But most of all, we enjoyed the lazy days of summer.


Rachel said...

Those are great pictures!!! It looks like you had a fabulous trip.

-Sally said...

I was sad that I didn't get to go.