07 April 2010

We're down to the wire...

I'm in a fog....I'm not sure if it's the Americans Disabilities Act Codes or the POLLEN that has loomed and overtaken the deep South. All I know is both should hopefully clear up by the week's end. Rain will hopefully wash down the pollen and my NCIDQ examination is Friday and Saturday.

Will you please say a prayer for me? I have been preparing for this exam since January. I've lived it, breathed it, slept it...and if osmosis worked by putting a book under my pillow at night I would have done that too. (Still not ruling that one out!) Just ask Chase....we've worn out our options on bag meals and my house will tell you it hasn't been thoroughly cleaned since Christmas. Anyway, I can only rely that the good Lord will pull me through this one when I think my knowledge can't carry me anymore.

God bless you all and thank you for all your support. I look forward to gracing your presence in the blogosphere next week at a more attentative rate! :)


Anonymous said...

sending prayers and my fingers are crossed for ya girl! xoxo

Rachel said...

I was wondering why I hadn't seen much of you! I forgot you were studying like crazy. I'll be praying for you, and let's have a celebration lunch sometime soon!

Ashley Harper said...

Good luck with the upcoming test!! I'm sure you'll do great :)

Mrs. Pick said...

Good luck! You will do great! I will be thinking about you!