23 March 2010

Spring doesn't seem to have gotten it's sprung...

This weekend was an absolute teaser! The warm sunshine, 70 degree weather...it left me high and dry. Did spring just not feel like sticking around? Typically, if you don't show up for your job for two days in a row, it is assumed that you have resigned your position, but I will not accept these shenanigans! 40 degree weather is not welcome any longer around here!

This weekend had me continuing my bucket list of post-NCIDQ projects. Oh how I can't wait. Thank you all for your continuing support and prayers. I can feel them working as I am still so focused and fine tuning my skills!

I did manage to steal a break and enjoy the spring preview that Saturday had to offer. Chase turned 29 on Friday so we celebrated with his mom and dad at their house for part of the weekend. Yummy steak dinner and Chase's favorite Oreo cake were on hand for the birthday boy!

Saturday Chase played golf with his dad and his mom and I enjoyed sitting on their back deck reading, while Winston chased chipmunks under the deck.

Only 15 more days until the test starts and freedom lurks around my corner!


Rachel said...

Seriously - I hate teasy weather! Today is pretty, though! I think we're going to walk tonight. I can't wait to get in the (setting) sunshine!

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