15 February 2010

Snow Big or Go Home!

I've lived in Alabama now for almost four years and it has taken me four years to experience a snow day! For the entire week, the weather report forecasted accumulative snow! Yeah right! They always say that and it never happens. Well it did...and Birmingham had two inches!

Chase flew in from New Orleans on Friday just in time for it to start and me to get home from work. It snowed for FIVE hours! (I used to be acclimated fairly well with snow growing up in Kentucky, but Alabama has me adjusted to their "state of mind" when it comes to snow now.) I was beside myself as I dragged Chase out with my camera through the neighborhood to snap shots of this rare occasion...and our first ever snow day together! While out on our snowy stroll, our neighbor Rick escorted us down to the creek, just a street over from our house. We knew it was there, but had never hiked down, and wow, was it worth it! The most gorgeous thing I've ever seen! How had we not been down to visit this after 6 year of living on the block?!

Friday night, my parents "slid" on in to Birmingham with my sister in tow for a visit. Dad and Chase went to T'town for the A Club BBQ cook-off and the Alabama vs. Arkansas game on Saturday. Mom, Sally and I piddled around town and then came home and made Valentine's Day cookies for my grandfather. (I might add that this was the ONLY Valentine's celebrating that I did!)

After my family left on Sunday, Chase and I hung around the house and waited for the yes, SECOND round of snow that was suppose to bring 2-3 inches! We woke up to no snow and the remnants of last nights whipping winds that brought down a very large pine tree in our backyard. Back to typical Alabama snow predictions... Hey Bama, snow big or go home!


Anonymous said...

whoa...what a great weekend girl! Love your pics..they are beautiful! xoxo

Rachel said...

That pic of the creek is gorgeous! We've GOT to check that out! Maybe on an afternoon walk?

Anonymous said...
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